Export a Publication

This option displays the Export from publication form. You can use this form to export an entire publication or selected parts of a publication to Escenic syndication format files. To export content from a publication, enter your requirements in the form and click on Export.

Use the controls in the form as follows:

Publication ID

Enter the ID of the publication from which you want to export content.

Section IDs

Enter a comma-separated list of the sections from which you want to export content. If you leave this field empty, then content will be exported from all sections.

Folder name

The path of the folder to which the exported files will be written. You can specify either an absolute or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the java.io.tmpdir system property.

Group files by object type

Check this option if you want different object types (e.g., content items, sections, section pages) to be written to separate output files. Section pages, inboxes and lists are all based on the same internal object type, and will therefore be written to the same file.

Maximum items per file

If you don't want to generate very large syndication files, you can limit the size by specifying the maximum number of content items/sections etc. to be written to a file. If this limit is reached, then several files will be generated.

Export sections

Check this option if you want sections to be exported.

Export content items

Check this option if you want content items to be exported. If you only want certain types of content item to be exported, enter a comma-separated list of content type names in the Content types field. If you leave this field empty then all content types will be exported.

Export pools

Check this option if you want section pages, lists and inboxes to be exported.

Export from time/Export to time

You can use these fields to limit the export to objects that have been modified within a specific period of time. You can, for example, only export those objects that have changed or been added since the last export was carried out.