New publications

This page displays forms for creating new publications and for uploading the resources required to create them.

The structure and characteristics of an Escenic publication are defined in a set of files that are collectively referred to as publication resources. When a publication is created, a set of publication resources must be uploaded to the Content Engine as a basis for the publication. For detailed information about the various publication resources, see the Escenic Content Engine Resource Reference.

The usual procedure for creating a new publication is:

  1. Prepare a publication WAR file containing the required resources and place it in a known location on your local machine ready for upload.

  2. In escenic-admin, select New publications. The Upload resources page is then displayed (see Upload Resources).

  3. Select Publication Definition resource type option.

  4. Click on Browse... and locate the publication WAR file.

  5. Click on Upload.

  6. If the WAR file is successfully uploaded and the resources in it are successfully validated, click on create a publication. This displays the Create Publication form.

  7. Enter a name for the publication in the Publication Name field.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • Either enter a password for the publication administrator in the Administrator password field and enter it again in the Verify password field.

    • Or check Create publication without password.

    You should only check Create publication without password if you have set up Active Directory-based authentication (see Active Directory-Based Authentication). Checking this option does not mean users will be able to log in to Web Studio without entering a password. It just means that no password is stored in the Content Engine database, so if you don't set up Active Directory-based authentication and created an Active Directory user with the administrator user name, then nobody will be able to log in as administrator of the publication.

  9. Click on Submit.

It is also possible to upload the resources needed to create a publication individually, rather than uploading them all together in a WAR file. For information about this and a more detailed description of the Upload Resources page, see Upload Resources.

This section describes how to create a single publication. In order to be able to use the publication, you must also deploy the web application that will drive the publication (and possibly many other similar publications). For information on how to deploy publication web applications, see Deployment.