Spelling Dictionaries

Spelling dictionaries for the following languages are supplied with Escenic Content Studio:

  • English

  • German

  • Spanish

  • French

You can however, add dictionaries for other languages (including right-to-left languages such as Arabic).

Content Studio uses a third-party spelling checker created for an XML editor called XmlMind. This product requires dictionaries to be compiled into a proprietary format, so in order to create a dictionary for Content Studio you must first download a (free) dictionary compiler from http://www.xmlmind.com/dictbuilder.shtml.

dictbuilder is a Java program. Supplied with it are a shell script and .BAT file so that it can be used as a command line utility on any standard operating system. Full documentation is also available at the above location.

Once you have downloaded and installed dictbuilder, the basic procedure for adding a dictionary to Content Studio is:

  1. Obtain one or more plain text word lists from which a dictionary can be generated. If you use more than one word list, they must be in the same encoding.

  2. Obtain or create a hints file: this is a text file containing optimization rules for the target language. Ready-made hints files are provided for a number of languages in the dictbuilder download package. If there is no hints file in the package for your target language, then you will need to create one. In order to create a good hints file you need detailed knowledge of the target language. For further information, see http://www.xmlmind.com/_dictbuilder/doc/hints_file.html.

  3. Optionally, obtain or create a freq file (a list of frequently-used words) and a prefixes file (a list of allowed prefixes). Again, these are provided for some languages in the dictbuilder download package, otherwise you can make them yourself if you have sufficient knowledge of the target language.

  4. Generate a dictionary using dictbuilder. For further information, see http://www.xmlmind.com/_dictbuilder/doc/using_builder.html. This produces a .cdi output file.

  5. Optionally package the .cdi file in a .dar archive. For further information, see http://www.xmlmind.com/_dictbuilder/doc/storage_of_dicts.html.

  6. Upload the .cdi file or .dar archive to a web server somewhere in your network.

  7. Create a text file and enter the URL of the dictionary (.cdi file or .dar archive) you have uploaded. If you have created several dictionaries, then you should add the URLs of all your dictionaries to this file, each on a separate line.

  8. Upload this text file to a web server somewhere in your network.

  9. Edit your configuration-layer-root/com/escenic/webstart/StudioConfig.properties file. Add a new property called property.com.escenic.xmlmind.dictionary.list.url, and set its value to the URL of the dictionary list file that you uploaded in step 7.

Once this has been done, the new dictionaries you have added should be available from any Content Studio instances launched via WebStart.

If , for example, you created dictionaries for Norwegian and Swedish (no.cdi and se.cdi) and uploaded them to http://www.my-domain.com/static/dictionaries, then you would need to create a file (lets call it dictionary-list.txt) with the following content:


If you uploaded this file to the same location, then you would need to add the following property to your configuration-layer-root/com/escenic/webstart/StudioConfig.properties file:
