The indexer-webapp Web Application

An indexing web application called indexer-webapp is included with the Escenic Content Engine. It receives content items passed to it by one of the Content Engine's indexer web services and passes them on to Solr, the search engine used by Content Studio (and also by most publication web applications). This chapter contains a brief description of the indexer-webapp administration interface and how to use it.

When the indexer-webapp is running, you can access its administration interface it by starting a browser and pointing it at:


where your-server is the domain name or IP address of the server on which the indexer-webapp is running.

The administration interface is a single page divided into the following sections:

  • Configuration

  • Current state

  • Current Statistics

  • Indexer actions

displays information about the configuration and current status of the indexer, plus four buttons you can press to affect the operation of the indexer.

For more information about the current state of the search engine, visit the Solr administration page by pointing your browser at:


where your-server is the domain name or IP address of the server on which Solr is running. For information about about how to use this interface and general information about Solr, visit