Indexer Actions

Under normal operation, the indexer starts by indexing the most-recently modified content item and works backward to the least-recently modified content item. While it is doing so, new changes may be made: existing content items may be modified, new content items created. The indexer prioritizes the indexing of these newly-modified and newly-created content items, and interrupts the indexing of older content in order to deal with them. Eventually, however, the indexer will index the least-recently modified content item, and then only need to deal with incoming changes.

The buttons in the administration interface affect the indexing process as follows:


Aborts the current indexing process (whether or not the indexer has succeeded in reaching the least-recently modified content item) and restarts it from the most recently modified content item. As it works backwards it will update the indexes of previously indexed content items.

Re-indexing may be necessary for a variety of reasons (it is often required after installing a new version of the Content Engine).

Re-indexing may take a long time (possibly hours). During this period, searches executed in Content Studio may return incomplete results. In some production environments this may be unacceptable: see Re-indexing for a description of how to avoid the problem.

Clicking on this button displays a new page containing the message Reindexing.... To redisplay the administration page, simply click on your browser's Back button.

Pause Indexer

Temporarily suspends the current indexing process. You can resume the process by clicking on the Resume Indexer button.

Clicking on this button displays a new page containing the message Indexer is now paused.... To redisplay the administration page, simply click on your browser's Back button.

Resume Indexer

Resumes an indexing process that has previously been suspended using the Pause Indexer button.

Optimize Solr Index

Optimizes the index. Old indexes can become fragmented and disorganized. Selecting this option sends an optimization request to Solr. Solr then creates a new, reorganized and optimized copy of the existing index. When the optimized copy is complete, the old index is deleted.

Do not select this option unless you are certain that there is sufficient disk space available on the Solr host. (In order to optimize an index you need enough free disk space to hold another two copies of the index.)

Clicking on this button displays a new page containing the message Optimizing index.... To redisplay the administration page, simply click on your browser's Back button.