Identifying Slow Transactions

The Content Engine measures the time taken to execute every SQL statement. The escenic-admin application's Performance summary option (see Performance Summary) displays a page of performance data that includes the average and peak access times for database engine queries and updates:

Database Engine Queries: 
 Since last sample: 
  2 db queries; 
  effective 0.00Hz; 
  average 4ms; peak 6ms; 
  load 0.00 (delta -0.00); 
  0 failures; 
  44 db queries; 
  average 32ms.

Database Engine Updates:
 Since last sample:
  862 db transactions;
  effective 1.58Hz;
  average 2ms;
  peak 27ms;
  load 0.00 (delta -0.00); 
  0 failures; 
  14148 db transactions;
  average 8ms.

These figures give you some idea of how the database is performing: a well-performing database will usually have an average access time of around 10 milliseconds for both queries and updates.

If a database operation takes more than 10 seconds (10,000 milliseconds), the Content Engine logs the transaction with an ERROR message in the log. The message contains information about the internal Content Engine transaction being performed, and may in some cases contain the actual SQL query being executed. If your database regularly has peaks of over 10 seconds, you should look in the log file to see what kinds of transactions are causing the problems.

The 10 second threshold for logging database transactions as errors is not fixed: you can set the threshold higher or lower by configuring the /neo/io/managers/ContentManager component. To change the error threshold for read transactions, set the readThreshold property. To change the error threshold for write transactions, set the updateThreshold property.

You can reset these properties at run time using the escenic-admin application's Component browser option (see Component Browser). In this way you can easily set the properties to catch the peak access times currently being reported by the Performance summary option and find out what operations are causing the problems.