
Represents a special kind of content item used to store personal information about persons related to a publication (mostly contributors and editors of various kinds).

    (source="text" sourceid="text")?

Only one form of the field element may be used: Person field.

  • This example imports a publication user (a person with user name and password for accessing the publication).

    <user source="ex" sourceid="21">
      <field name="first-name">Marcus</field>
      <field name="last-name">Cicero</field>
      <field name="email-address"></field>
      <field name="username">m.cicero</field>
      <field name="password">tullius</field>
id="text" (optional)

A unique identifier for this person element. It is only valid and unique within the current syndication file and can be used to enable the establishment of relationships between elements in the file. Other elements in the file have id-ref attributes that can be used to reference person elements. If a person element does not have an id attribute then it must have either a dbid attribute or both a source and a sourceid attribute. A person element may have several or all of these attributes, in which case any of them can be used for establishing relationships.

The id attribute is not imported along with persons. Unless a dbid attribute has been specified, all imported persons are assigned new internal IDs during import.

source="text" (optional)

The name of the system from which this person originates. Together with the sourceid attribute it forms a globally unique external identifier for the person that can be used for establishing relationships between elements in the syndication file. Other elements in the file have source and sourceid attributes that can be used for this purpose. If this attribute is specified then a sourceid attribute must also be specified. If a person element does not have a source and sourceid attribute then it must have either a dbid attribute or an id attribute. A person element may have several or all of these attributes, in which case any of them can be used for establishing relationships.

If supplied, source and sourceid are imported and stored with persons. If source and sourceid are supplied and dbid is not supplied, then they are used to lookup an existing person. If a person with matching source and sourceid is found, then this person is updated; otherwise a new person is created.

If supplied, source and sourceid are imported and stored when creating new persons, but not when updating existing persons.

sourceid="text" (optional)

The id of this person in the system from which it originates. Together with the source attribute it forms a globally unique external identifier for the person that can be used for establishing relationships between elements in the syndication file. Other elements in the file have source and sourceid attributes that can be used for this purpose. If this attribute is specified then a source attribute must also be specified. If a person element does not have a source and sourceid attribute then it must have either a dbid attribute or an id attribute. A person element may have several or all of these attributes, in which case any of them can be used for establishing relationships.

If source and sourceid are supplied and dbid is not supplied, then they are used to lookup an existing person. If a person with matching source and sourceid is found, then this person is updated; otherwise a new person is created.

If supplied, source and sourceid are imported and stored when creating new persons, but not when updating existing persons.

dbid="text" (optional)

The internal Content Engine ID of this person, which can be used when importing updated versions of existing content items. It can also be used for establishing relationships between elements in the syndication file. Other elements in the file have dbid attributes that can be used for this purpose. If a person element does not have a dbid attribute then it must have either a source and sourceid attribute or an id attribute. A person element may have several or all of these attributes, in which case any of them can be used for establishing relationships.

You should only use the dbid attribute when importing updated versions of existing persons.

This attribute is never present in syndication files that have been exported from a database. The ID is always written to the exported-dbid attribute in exported syndication files.

exported-dbid="text" (optional)

The internal Content Engine ID of this person, which can be used to identify the person in the database from which it was exported.

This attribute is generated during export from the , but ignored during import. It is provided mainly for information and debugging purposes.