
This tag retrieves the latest n articles from a publication (using the Publications "all"-section), a section, a list of sections or a selection of sections. If no section is specified the current section will be used. If you specify an illegal attribute (for example, a uniqueName that does not exist) the ece_all section is used.

The retrieved articles are returned in a java.util.List

Field indexing

The expression and field attributes can only be used on indexed fields. Field indexing must be specified on a per-field basis in the publication's content-type resource.

To switch on field indexing in a particular content type, you must add a parameter element that sets the parameter neo.xredsys.service.article.attribute to true.

<content-type name="news">
  <parameter name="neo.xredsys.service.article.attribute" value="true"/>

Once you have done this, you can specify indexing of individual fields within the content type by adding neo.xredsys.service.article.attributeField parameters to the field definitions:

<field name="priority" type="number">
  <parameter name="neo.xredsys.service.article.attributeField" value="priority"/>

Note that the value attribute is set to the name of the field that is to be indexed. The neo.xredsys.service.article.attributeField parameter actually determines the name that you will need to use to identify the indexed field in the article:list tag. You could set it to some other name, but you are advised not to do so.

The examples shown above will ensure that the priority field of news content items is indexed and can be used for selection purposes by article:list.


Two properties in the feature publication resource affect the behavior of this tag:


Specifies the maximum age (in hours) of content items that may be retrieved, thus potentially overriding the value you specify with the from attribute. If you specify a from value that equates to an age greater than article.list.age.max, then it will be ignored, and article.list.age.max will be used instead. The default is 720 hours (=30 days). To disable this limit, set article.list.age.max to -1.


The default age limit (in hours) that will be used if no from value is specified. The default is 720 hours (=30 days). To disable this default (so that there is no from limit if one is not explicitly specified), set article.list.age.max to -1.


By default, the result will be cached for 1 minute.

When using the to property, the result may not be cached and the tag should be wrapped in a <util:cache />, to avoid slowing down the system too much. Please see the documentation of the to property for more information regarding this.

id, mandatory, no runtime expressions

A name to identify the selected articles.


How far back to list articles. The time could either be defined as hours in the past or as an exact date. The format of the exact date is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm. The exact date should always be in the past.

If not defined or set to -1 the function is disabled.


We will exclude the article type set here. May be a list of comma separated article types.

If neither includeArticleTypes or excludeArticleTypes are set, all article types will be included in the list.


If set to true we will only list articles which has sectionId as homeSection.


We will include the article type set here. May be a list of comma separated article types.

If neither includeArticleTypes or excludeArticleTypes are set, all article types will be included in the list.


will include articles from sub sections in the list if set to true. The default value is false.


How many articles to list


will only list articles that are alive. Default value is set to true. If set to false it will include all states possible for an article.

This attribute has been deprecated and should not be used.


The publicationId. If publicationId is not set we will use the default publication.


The id of the sections to get latest articles from. May be a list of comma separated ids.


The name of the sections to get latest articles from. May be a list of comma separated names. It must be the sections uniquename!


Specifies the attribute name of the Section we are going to search for Articles.

The bean you specify must be of type Section, or you also have to specify property.


Specifies the name of the property to be accessed on the bean specified by the name attribute. You can not use this attribute without the name attribute.

This value may be a simple, indexed, or nested property reference expression. If not specified, the Section identified by name (we then assume the the bean specified is a Section) will be used in the search.


If set, the tag will return articles up to this point in time. The time could either be defined in hours in the past or as an exact date. The format of the exact date is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm. The exact date should always be in the past.

If not defined, set to -1 or an exact date is specified, the result will be cached. If set to hours, the result will not be cached.


a view of sections we will use in the search for the latest articles


What we will sort the article list on. Valid values are: publishDate, lastChangedDate. It is possible to send none to disable the sort function.

To decide if the sorting shall be ascending or descending you simply add either +/- before the desired sort criteria.

E.g. -publishDate is sorting descending on the published date of the articles

If this attribute is used together with the expression and field attributes, you can not sort it by date. It is only possible to specify if the sort will be ascending or descending.


a view of sections we will use in the search for the latest articles


Is used to get a limited search. This attribute is always used together with the field attribute.

E.g. if you specify the title in field attribute and a* in expression you will only get articles that has a title that start with a or A. If you want articles that start with the letters a, b or c you use a-d.

d-f will include all article with title that starts with d and e. It will not include f.

If the field you want to use the expression in is of type enumeration you must wrap the expression with the following: <ecs_selection>expression</ecs_selection>.


Is used when you want the articles sorted by the specified field. And it is used together with the expression attribute.


Attribute to override the default limit of max age on articles. If this is set to true, then all article will be included in the list.

This attribute should be used with caution. It may cause large search results and slow jsp pages. It should only be used when you limit the search with for instance articleType or a section that do not contain many articles.

Scripting variable (id)

A scripting variable will be defined using the value of the id attribute as its name. The variable is of type java.util.List.