
Retrieves content from a page specified by the given URL. URL's has to be absolute, and can not be to a frame-set. If the HTTP Get times out(see timeout attribute) or failes for any other reason, body of tag will be shown.

The content of the URL can be cached by setting the useCaching attribute=true. Also url's that failes will be cached. this means that this url will be 'marked' as failed until the background job retrieves content succesfully or content is thrown from cache.

  • If content has been in cache longer than validTime without beeing accessed, expire content.

  • If content has been in cache longer than refreshTime, try to retrieve new version of content.

  • if refreshTimeout > timeout this value is used as timeout. This makes it possible to let the background job retrieve content from slow sites that might have timed out on first atempt.

validTime,refreshTime and refreshTimeout is set in the /neo/io/services/ExternalContentManager component

url, mandatory

The URL of the page where content is to be retrieved from


Return all content, without removing <HTML>, <HEAD> and <BODY>-tags. Possible values are true or false. The default value is false.


Enable caching of the retrieved content. See general description for details.


The number of milliseconds before cancel retrieval of content. Body of tag will be shown if timeout is reached. If not set default value from /neo/io/services/ExternalContentManager component will be used


use as in following example