Java 7 and Escenic

Version 5.4 and earlier versions of the Escenic Content Engine and Content Studio are not compatible with Oracle Java 7 or with any Open JDK version. Support for Oracle Java 7 will be included in version 5.6.

This means that currently you must use Oracle Java 6 to run version 5.4 of the Content Engine.

To make Content Studio 5.4 run on machines where Oracle Java 7 is installed you must::

  1. On all your Content Engine editorial hosts, open the configuration layer file com/escenic/webstart/ for editing.

  2. Add the following setting:


    (If the file already contains a jreRequirement setting, make sure it is set to 1.6.)

  3. Download the JNLP files that start Content Studio. (These ire the files pointed to by the start-up links on the Content Studio start-up page - http://your-host/studio/.)

  4. Decide where you are going to deploy your modified versions of these files. The new location must not be under http://your-host/studio/.

  5. Open the JNLP files for editing.

  6. In each file, modify the jnlp element's href attribute to point to the new location you decided on in step 4.

  7. Replace the ? character in the URL with the corresponding numeric entity (?).

  8. Save your changes and deploy the modified files to the location you decided on in step 4.

  9. Modify the start-up links in the studio web app's index.html file to point to your modified JNLP files.

  10. Make sure that Oracle Java 6 is installed alongside Java 7 on all machines that are to run Content Studio. On Macs, some additional set-up is required in order to run applications with Java 6. See this Oracle Java tutorial for details.

When you start Content Studio on a machine where Java 7 is installed, you will always see the Java 7 splash displayed before Content Studio is run, even though it is Java 6 that is actually used to run it.