Java 7 and Escenic

Version 5.5 of the Escenic?Content Engine and Content Studio are not compatible with Oracle Java 7 or with any Open JDK version. Support for Oracle Java 7 will be included in version 5.6.

This means that currently you must use Oracle Java 6 to run Content Engine 5.5.

If Content Studio 5.5 is started on a machine where Java 7 is installed, Java will see that Content Studio requires Java 6 and automatically start it if there is a Java 6 version available on the computer. If not, it will automatically download and install a copy of Java 6 alongside Java 7. Should this automatic download not start for any reason, then you will need to manually install Java 6. Once you have done this, Java 6 will always be used to run Content Studio.

On Macs, some additional set-up is required in order to run applications with Java 6. See this Oracle Java tutorial for details.

When you start Content Studio on a machine where Java 7 is installed, you will always see the Java 7 splash displayed before Content Studio is run, even though it is Java 6 that is actually used to run it.