Fixing Build Errors

The assembly tool has now reported that your templates are not compatible with the current Content Engine release. To resolve the incompatibilities:

  1. Run the assembly tool again, this time with the following command:

    ant -q build-publication-wars

    This command builds all your publication WAR files from source and pre-compiles them. It will stop at some point, reporting an error. For example:

    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: file:/opt/assemblytool/dist/.work/precompile/template/common.jsp(21,0) No tag "name"
    defined in tag library imported with prefix "section"

    This error message tells you that the tag <section:name> no longer exists.

  2. Go to the appropriate section of this technical note (in this case Removed JSP Tags) and look up the reported item (in this case section:name)In the reference section there is an overview of all beans and tags that has been removed. The reference for <section:name> states that this tag can be replaced by


    Change the usage of <section:name> to ${} in the given JSP file and invoke Assemblytool again. The error message should now be gone.

    The path to the JSP file refers to a copy of your existing templates. You must make changes to the original JSP file, not the copied version.

  3. Follow the instructions for replacing the item. In this case you would need to replace <section:name> with ${} in your common.jsp file.

  4. Repeat from step 1. This time the above error should be gone, but some other error will probably be reported. Keep going until all the errors are fixed.