Upgrading to Java 8

Escenic Content Engine 6.21.5-1 requires Java 8 on both the server and the client.

Before you can upgrade to Java 8 on the server you must:

  • If necessary, upgrade your Tomcat installation to version 7 (7.0.54 or later) or 8 (8.0.8 or later).

  • For Tomcat 7, add two parameters to the JSP servlet configuration in your Tomcat web.xml file, as described in JSP Servlet Configuration (Tomcat 7).

No special actions are required before upgrading clients to Java 8. If you wish to enforce users to upgrade, however, then you can do so by editing StudioConfig.properties file as described in Enforcing Client Upgrades.

There is one issue to consider before upgrading if you use Widget Framework 3 and have projects that make use of content resources - see Widget Framework 3 and Content Resources.