The Tag Libraries

The Escenic tag libraries played a central role in earlier versions of the Escenic Content Engine: most of the functionality in Escenic templates were provided by Escenic tag library tags. This is no longer the case: the central tools for Escenic template designers are now JSTL and the JSP expression language, which provide a simpler, more standard and more intuitive means of accessing the content of the Escenic beans. Some of the Escenic tags are still useful, but many are no longer needed.

All of the Escenic tag libraries are retained in order to ensure backwards compatibility with older applications. They are:

template Tag Library

This library contains tags for manipulating templates.

publication Tag Library

This library contains only one tag, use which can be used to change the current publication.

article Tag Library

This library contains tags for retrieving information from PresentationArticle beans.

section Tag Library

This library contains tags for retrieving information from Section beans.

util Tag Library

This library contains a variety of general-purpose tags.

collection Tag Library

This library contains tags for manipulating collections.

view Tag Library

This library contains tags for manipulating tree structures stored in View beans.

relation Tag Library

This library contains tags for retrieving information from the Escenic related object beans (PresentationRelatedArticle, PresentationRelatedLink, PresentationRelatedImage and PresentationRelatedMedia).

profile Tag Library

This library contains tags for managing user profiles.

tag Tag Library

This library contains tags for accessing tags (PresentationTag beans).

The tag libraries are described in detail in the Escenic Tag Library Reference.

The tag descriptions in the Tag Library Reference clearly indicate which tags are deprecated (no longer recommended for use). You should not use deprecated tags in new applications (and you should avoid their use if possible in new additions to old applications).