Creating Relations

These relation types appear in Content Studio editors as drop zones, areas into which users can drag and drop items they want to relate to the content item they are editing. If you start Content Studio and open a news content item for editing, you should see the drop zones displayed to the right of the content item's fields:

If you cannot see the drop zones, select View > Show content relations from the main menu to display them.

To add relations to a content item, therefore, a Content Studio user simply has to drag the required items into one of these drop zones. The user needs to know the purpose of each relation, however, since Content Studio exercises no control over what the user drops in the zones. In this case, it will not prevent you from dropping an image content item in the Stories drop zone, or from dropping a text content item in the Pictures zone.

Normally, relation drop zones are displayed in a relatively small area to the right of a content item's fields in Content Studio. You can, however, force them to be displayed in the main editing area along with the content item fields if required. See Gallery Relations for further information.