Configure Pingback Server URL

In order for the pingback set-up to work, every pingback-enabled publication must know the URL of the pingback server you deployed (as described in Deploy Pingback Web Application). In order to achieve this you will need to log on to the system where your publication web applications are developed and maintained, and do the following in each pingback-enabled publication:

  1. Add a WEB-INF/localconfig/com/escenic/forum/presentation folder to the publication web application. For example:

    $ cd /path/to/web-app
    $ mkdir -p WEB-INF/localconfig/com/escenic/forum/presentation
    $ cd WEB-INF/localconfig/com/escenic/forum/presentation
  2. Create a text file called in the new folder.

  3. Open the new file for editing and add the following line:


    where host-name is the host name or IP address of the host on which you deployed the pingback server.

You will then need to redeploy the publications. For general information about developing and deploying Escenic publications, see the Escenic Content Engine Template Developer Guide.