
Returns a List of the most recently active threads in one or more forums. The list is sorted by the creation date of the most recent posting in each thread. This means that an old thread may be at the top of the list if a reply has been posted to it recently.

This tag is optimized for performance, at the risk of losing some accuracy. It is assumed that the list can be sorted by article id, rather than actual creation date. This greatly improves performance on a high-traffic site.


The name of a JSP attribute that specifies the forums to use. The attribute may be of type PresentationForum, Forum, String or Integer or a Collection of such objects - for example, the Collection returned by the groups tag:

If the forumIds attribute is not specified then this attribute is required.


A forum ID (or a comma-separated list of forum IDs) from which the most recently active threads are to be retrieved. If the name attribute is not specified then this attribute is required.

max, mandatory

The maximum number of threads to return.

id, mandatory, no runtime expressions

The name of the scripting variable that will be created to access the returned List of threads.

Scripting variable (id)

A scripting variable will be defined using the value of the id attribute as its name. The variable is of type