Stop Words

The Forum plug-in supports stop words. Stop words are words that are disallowed in postings. If you specify a list of stop words for your publication, then postings containing any of those words will not be created. To help page developers display information on stop words InsertPostingAction and InsertCommentAction save stop word information in a session attribute called escenic-forum-posting-stopword-occurrences. You can also use the constant defined as:

The session attribute contains a java.util.Map which consists of (fieldName, neo.xredsys.api.stopword.StopwordOccurrenceInfo) pairs. The neo.xredsys.api.stopword.StopwordOccurrenceInfo object offers the following facilities:

  • A SourceStr property containing a copy of the offending field.

  • A getOccurredStopwordIterator() method that returns an iterator for accessing the individual stop words in the field.

  • A getStopwordOccurrences() method that returns a java.util.List of Integer values specifying the positions of the stop words in the field.

See the Javadoc for further information about neo.xredsys.api.stopword.StopwordOccurrenceInfo.