Form Properties

A brief explanation of the form properties is as follows:

publicationIds: the publications in which to search for articles

searchExpression: the text to look for in article fields

fromLatitude: the start latitude against which article location is to be tested

fromLongitude: the start longitude against which article location is to be tested

toLattitude: the end latitude against which article location is to be tested

toLongitude: the end longitude against which article location is to be tested

startDay: the start day against which article date is to be tested

startMonth: the start month against which article date is to be tested

startYear: the start year against which article date is to be tested

toDay: the end day against which article date is to be tested

toMonth: the end month against which article date is to be tested

toYear: the end year against which article date is to be tested

sectionIds: the ids of the sections in which to search for articles

searchSubSectionAllowed: indicates whether or not the subsections of sections specified with sectionIds should be searched as well

articleTypes: restricts the search to specific article types

Please see javadoc for further information about the form properties.

An example war file is shipped with the plug-in that shows the basic functionality of the plug-in in publication templates.