Changing an Entry

To change an Entry you retrieve the resource as described in Retrieving an Entry, make whatever change you require and send the modified document back to the same URL as a PUT request. Using curl, for example, you would save the modified JSON data in a file (say edited-entry.json) and then resubmit it like this:

curl --include -u user:password -X PUT -H 'If-Match: "0d1f1e1f-6bf2-46fd-8de4-c1de0c015f0a"' \
> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/entry/283 \
> --upload-file edited-entry.json

Note the two headers that are included with the request:

Content-Type: application/json

You must always specify the MIME type of the data you are submitting.

If-Match: "0d1f1e1f-6bf2-46fd-8de4-c1de0c015f0a"

The If-Match header is used by Live Center to manage concurrency. You must always return the exact value supplied in the eTag field of the Entry you are modifying, including the quotes surrounding the value. Live Center uses the If-Match header is used in exactly the same as the Content Engine. For a detailed explanation of what it is used for and how it works, see /ece-integration-guide/5.7/optimistic_concurrency.html.