General Settings

Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/livecenter/ for editing and set the following properties:


If set to true (the default), then when a Live Center webapp user creates an entry, his name is automatically added to the entry's Authors field. If set to false, then this does not happen. The user's name is always added to the entry's Creator field, irrespective of how this property is set.


The name of the Escenic Content Engine web service (not the Live Center web service). The default setting is /webservice, which will work if the web service is running on the same host as Live Center, and if it has been deployed with the default name webservice. If the service has been renamed then you will need to set this property accordingly. If the service is running on a different host then you will need to specify the service's absolute URL.


The API key Live Center is to use for connecting to Twitter. The value of this key can be found in the "Keys and Access tokens" tab in your Twitter settings. If defined, then twitterAPISecret must also be defined.


The API secret Live Center is to use for connecting to Twitter. The value of this secret can be found in the "Keys and Access tokens" tab in your Twitter settings. If defined, then twitterAPIKey must also be defined.


The Google API key for Live Center is to use for connecting to Google. To obtain a googleApiKey you need to follow the following steps.

  • You need a Google Account to access the Google Developers Console, request an API key, and register your application.

  • Go to the Google Developers Console.

  • Select a project, or create a new one.

  • In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the YouTube Data API v3.

  • In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.

  • The API supports two types of credentials. For Live Center we will use API key. After selecting API key choose Server key. Then use create to generate the key.

For details of how to create api key visit Obtaining authorization credentials


The URI of the Live Center Presentation web service. The default setting is /live-center-presentation-webservice, which will work if the presentation web service is running on the same host as Live Center, and if it has been deployed with the default name live-center-presentation-webservice. If the service has been renamed then you will need to set this property accordingly. If the service is running on a different host then you will need to specify the service's absolute URL.


The client id to use when connecting to Instagram. How to generate an access_token can be found in Instagram authentication page (