The entry-type Resource

The Live Center plug-in requires an additional publication resource called entry-type. It is an XML resource that defines the field structure of different Live Center entry types in the same way as the content-type resource defines the field structure of content types. It is in fact very similar to the content-type resource, and uses the same elements and namespaces. It is, however, generally simpler than a content-type resource since entries have simpler structures than content items.

For a description of the standard content-type resource format, see the Escenic Content Engine Resource Reference. When you are creating an entry-type resource rather than a content-type resource, then you need to take the following factors into account:

  • Each content-type element defines a Live Center entry type, not a content type.

  • The panel element is required by content-type resource syntax, but has no meaning in Live Center. You should therefore create just one panel in each content-type element as a container for all its field elements.

  • Summary and relation-related elements such as summary, relation-type, relation-type-group have no meaning in Live Center and are ignored if present.

  • The following field types are not supported by Live Center and will be ignored if present:
