Embedding Escenic Content Items

Live Center supports the embedding of Escenic content in event entries. Content items can be dragged from Content Studio and dropped in an entry, or copied from Content Studio and pasted into an entry. The dropped content items do not have to belong to the same publication as the Live Center live blog – you can embed content from any publication in your installation. In order for embedding to work, the entry configuration property createEmbedOnCSDragDrop must be set to true (see Entry Configuration). If createEmbedOnCSDragDrop is set to false then items dragged from Content Studio are inserted as links rather than being embedded.

If createEmbedOnCSDragDrop is set to true, then a simple form of embedding is immediately enabled: any content item that is dragged into a Live Center entry appears as embedded content in the entry both in the Live Center editor and in the published blog once the entry is published. These default embeds have a very simple layout that may not work well for all content types, so you may want to create custom layouts for at least some content types. You can do this by creating embed request handlers for some or all of the content types in your publications.

There are two different types of embed request handlers:

  • Editorial embed request handlers that define how content items are embedded in Live Center entries

  • Presentation embed request handlers that define how content items are embedded in a published live blog

You do not have to create both kinds of request handlers: if you don't care about what embedded content looks like in the Live Center editor, but you do care about what it looks like in the published blog, then you can just create presentation embed request handlers, and not bother with editorial request handlers.