Binary Upload Configuration

Live Center supports the upload of images from the desktop and/or mobile devices. In order for this functionality to work, the following configuration is required:

  1. Create a com/escenic/livecenter/webapp/helpers/builder/ folder in your Live Center webapp configuration layer (not the common configuration layer):

    $ mkdir -p /etc/escenic/engine/webapp/live-center-editorial/com/escenic/livecenter/webapp/helpers/builder/
  2. Copy into the new folder:

    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/live-center/misc/siteconfig/webapp/com/escenic/livecenter/webapp/helpers/builder/ \
         > /etc/escenic/engine/webapp/live-center-editorial/com/escenic/livecenter/webapp/helpers/builder/
  3. Open the copied file for editing and set the following properties as required:


    The content type to be used for the binary object type you want to be able to upload (e.g. images). Currently images are the only binary object type supported. This property has global effect – it applies to all publications. If, for example, your image content type is called picture, then you would specify:


    The section id of the section to which uploaded binary content items will be added. If you do not specify this property, then images are uploaded to the publication's default section. This property has global effect – it applies to all publications.

    If you want binary upload to be handled differently for different publications, then you can add publication-specific properties to the file and use them instead of or alongside the global properties. These properties have names of the form:


    where publication-name is the name of the required target publication.

    If you specify both global and publication-specific properties, then the publication-specific properties override the global settings where appropriate.