Entry Configuration

Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/livecenter/EntryConfiguration.properties for editing and set the following properties as required:


This property determines the content and format of the time stamp displayed with each Live Center entry. By default, the property has no value, and the time stamp shows a relative date in the format:

number [minutes|seconds|days] ago

If you don't want this kind of date stamp, you can switch to an absolute date stamp by entering a standard Java date formatting string such as:

timeformat=DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss

Rich text fields are only allowed to contain a selected subset of HTML elements and attributes. Tags and attributes that do not belong to this whitelisted subset are either converted to p elements or removed, as appropriate. This property can be used to modify the set of whitelisted tags. The default setting is:

 "em": true, \
 "br": true, \
 "u": true,  \
 "ol": true, \
 "ul": true, \
 "li": true, \
 "strong": true, \
 "b": true, \
 "i": true, \
 "p": true, \
 "h1": true, \
 "h2": true, \
 "h3": true, \
 "h4": true, \
 "h5": true, \
 "h6": true, \
 "strike": true, \
 "a": {href: true, target: true, rel: true, class: true, lang: true, title: true}, \
 "img": {src: true, alt: true, title: true, class: true, lang: true, translate: true}, \
 "blockquote": true

You can extend this set by adding more elements and/or attributes if you wish. You must not, however, remove any of the default elements or attributes, as they are required by the rich text editor.


When social media items such as tweets are added to an event, they are expanded by default. If you would prefer them to be collapsed when added, set this value to true:


The default value is false.


While adding a link using scribe editor link button, you can specify whether the link will open in new or current tab in browser. If you would prefer to open the link in new tab, set this value to true.


The default value is false.


This property determines what happens when a URL is pasted into an entry. By default, the URL is inserted as a link in the usual way. If, however, you set this property to true:


then Live Center will attempt to embed the URL target instead, if possible. This will only work for URLs belonging to domains for which an OEmbed request handler has been registered (see Creating an oEmbed Request Handler). If createEmbedOnPaste is set to true but the URL target cannot be embedded, then a link is inserted instead.


This property determines what happens when an Escenic content item is dragged from Content Studio and dropped into an entry (or copied from Content Studio and pasted into an entry). By default, dropped content items are inserted as links and copy/paste is not supported. If, however, you set this property to true:


then Live Center will embed the content instead. You can control how different content types are embedded (what fields are displayed and how they are styled) by defining and registering your own request handlers. Live Center includes a default handler that provides a basic layout for embedded content, so you do not have to create your own request handlers. For further information, see Embedding Escenic Content Items.