Publishing Events

Live Center events are different from ordinary Content Engine content items in two ways:

  • Events have a specialized internal structure, as defined in the entry-type resource

  • Events are "live" content items that update themselves without any user intervention

These differences are reflected in the presentation layer used to generate the event feeds on published event pages, which is different from the standard Content Engine presentation layer. The basis of the Live Center presentation layer is its presentation web service – a REST web service that serves event feed content as JSON data. For a description of this web service, see The Presentation Web Service.

You can include event feeds in your publications in the following ways:

Using the Widget Framework

The Widget Framework (version 3.6 or higher) includes a Live Entries view that you can use to include event feeds in event page templates. It is very simple to use and completely hides all details of using the Live Center presentation web service. If you already use the Widget Framework, then it is the obvious choice. For details see the Widget Framework documentation.

Using the livecenter-presentation-js component

This Javascript library is available in the Escenic Maven repository. By using it in your event page JSP templates, you can again hide the details of using the Live Center presentation web service. For further information on how to use the library, see livecenter-presentation-js.

Using the presentation web service directly

If neither of the above methods meet your requirements, then you can write your own client-side code for accessing and displaying the event feed data exposed via the presentation web service. See The Presentation Web Service for further information.

Once an event feed is successfully published in an Escenic publication, you can republish it on any web page (not just Escenic sites) by means of embedding. For details, see Embedding Event Feeds.