Updating The Database Schema

CUE Live needs some additions to be made to the Content Engine database schema. The scripts needed to make the required additions are included in the misc/database/ folder of the distribution. There are two sets of scripts, one for MySql databases, in misc/database/mysql, and one for Oracle databases in misc/database/oracle. There are four scripts in each folder:

  • constants.sql

  • constraints.sql

  • indexes.sql

  • tables.sql

To run the scripts:

  1. Log in as escenic on your database-host.

  2. Copy or unpack the appropriate scripts for your database to an appropriate location (for example /tmp/live/misc/database/mysql).

  3. Run the scripts as follows

    • For MySql:

      $ cd /tmp/live/misc/database/mysql/
      $ for el in tables.sql indexes.sql constants.sql constraints.sql; do \
        mysql -u ece-user -pece-password -h dbhost db-name < $el

    replacing db-name, dbhost, ece-user and ece-password with the correct values for your database.