The Editorial Web Service

The CUE Live editorial web service is very similar to the Content Engine web service, with the main difference being that instead of returning content in the form of XML Atom feeds, it returns JSON data. If you are familiar with the Content Engine web service, then you will find the CUE Live web service easy to use. If you haven't used the Content Engine web service before, then you should probably start by reading at least the introduction of the Escenic Content Engine Integration Guide.

The editorial web service provides a standard REST HTTP API in which all operations are performed by sending GET, POST, PUT or DELETE requests to various URLs. The default name of the web service is live-center-editorial.

Unlike the Content Engine web service, the CUE Live editorial web service has no global entry point or "start" URL. Before you do anything with the web service, therefore, you usually need to obtain the ID of an Event content item (either from the Content Engine presentation layer or the Content Engine web service). Once you have an Event id you can request information about it by submitting a GET request like this to the web service:


where host-ip-address is your CUE Live host name or IP address and event-id is the ID of the event you are interested in. Authentication is required, so if you submitted the request using curl, then the whole command for an event with the id 24 would look like this:

curl -u user:password -X GET http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24

CUE Live then returns a JSON structure that looks something like this:

    "id": 24,
    "title": "Liverpool - Manchester United",
    "entries": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/entries",
    "publishedEntries": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/entries?status=published"
    "unPublishedEntries": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/entries?status=unpublished",
    "self": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24",
    "changelog": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/changelog/event/24",
    "entryModel": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/model/24/football",
    "values": {
        "title": "Liverpool - Manchester United",
        "body": "<p>Match: 23. January 2015</p>"
    "subscriptions": [
            "link": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/subscription/0",
            "source": "twitter"
            "link": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/subscription/1",
            "source": "twitter"

The actual content of this document, as in all the JSON structures returned by the web service, is in the payload field. In this case payload contains the field values of the Event content item - a title and a description. The rest of the document mostly consists of links that you can follow to obtain further information. Submitting a new GET request to the entries URL, for example:

curl -u user:password -X GET http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24/entries

This returns a JSON document containing all the event's entries plus related information:

        "value": "A.N. Other",
        "origin": "http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/person/7"
        "value": "livedemo Administrator",
        "origin": "http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/person/1"
      "creationDate": "2015-02-13T12:20:24.000+0000",
      "eTag": "0d1f1e1f-6bf2-46fd-8de4-c1de0c015f0a",
      "event": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/event/24",
      "lastModifiedDate": "2015-02-13T12:36:38.000+0000",
      "model": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/model/24/football",
      "parent": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/entry/251",
          "basic": "Test entry"
      "publishDate": "2015-02-13T12:20:24.000+0000",
      "self": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-editorial/entry/283",
      "state": "published",
    ...(more entries)...

Like many REST APIs, the CUE Live API is more or less self-documenting. It consists entirely of URLs, and the fields in the returned JSON documents have reasonably self-explanatory names. A good way of learning the API is to install a REST API browser extension such as DHC for Chrome, and simply explore it.

Usage of the HTTP commands follows standard rest conventions:

  • Send GET to a URL to retrieve a resource (as in the examples above)

  • Send PUT to a URL to modify a resource

  • Send POST to a URL to create a new resource

  • Send DELETE to a URL to delete a resource