
The following preconditions must be met before you can install CUE Live 2.8.4-1:

  • Escenic Content Engine version 6.7.0-1 and Escenic assembly tool have been installed as described in the Escenic Content Engine Installation Guide and are in working order.

  • The CUE editor has been installed and as described in the CUE User Guide and configured to work with the Content Engine installation.

  • You have the credentials needed to access Escenic's SW repositories.

Choosing an installation method

Until recently, all Escenic-supplied components had to be installed by manually downloading and unpacking archive files. This is no longer the case. The Content Engine itself, the assembly tool, the ece scripts and all plug-ins are now available as deb packages (for installing on Ubuntu/Debian systems) and as rpm packages (for installation on RedHat/CentOS systems). This is now the recommended method of installing Escenic systems, although it is still possible to use the old method based on manually downloading and unpacking archives. Note, however, that when you are installing a plug-in on an existing Content Engine installation, you should use the same installation method as you used for the Content Engine itself.

Using the new package installation method offers many advantages over the old manual installation procedure:

  • It is faster and quicker

  • It is significantly less error-prone

  • It supports a fully automated upgrade process in which not only the installed packages themselves are upgraded, but also deployed EAR files. An upgrade script automatically checks the EAR files for copies of JAR files that have been updated, and replaces then with the new versions.

The old installation method will continue to be documented for the moment. Components installed using the new method are installed in /usr/share/escenic, whereas the old method recommends installation in /opt/escenic, and some other path components are slightly different. To cope with these differences, the following placeholders are used in some paths:

Placeholder NEW METHOD path OLD METHOD path







When installing CUE Live, you should use the same method as you used to install Escenic Content Engine 6.7.0-1.

Note that if you are planning to install Escenic Content Engine 6.7.0-1 using the new package-based method, you can install CUE Live simultaneously by simply including the CUE Live package name (escenic-live) in the apt-get installation command. You only need to follow the procedure described in this section if you have already installed the Content Engine and now need to install the CUE Live plug-in.

In a multiple-server environment:

  • CUE Live must be installed on all servers.

  • The Escenic event mechanism must be working correctly.

After installing CUE Live you must also activate CUE's CUE Live plugin. For details, see CUE Plug-in Activation.