
The Menu Editor plug-in is a framework for creating and maintaining the navigational structure of Escenic publications. It includes the following main components:

  • A set of Java objects for representing menus.

  • A tag library that provides template developers with an easy way of accessing the menu beans.

A menu is a list of menu items that can be displayed for navigation purposes in a publication, typically as links. Each menu item usually has at least one label (the text that will be displayed in the publication). Menu items can, however, have multiple labels in different languages. They can also have image URLs, which can be used to make graphical links.

Menus are defined in special Content Engine publication resources called menu resources. Like most of the standard Content Engine publication resources described in the Escenic Content Engine Resource Reference, the menu resource is an XML file. Once you have created a menu resource for a publication you can upload it to the Content Engine in the same way as you upload other resources, using the escenic-admin web application (for details, see

The menu resource file can be used to define a number of different menu item types:


For creating links to publication sections (the most commonly-used type).


For creating links to individual content items.


For creating links to specific URLs (usually external to the publication).


For inserting spaces in menus.


To enable re-use of menus.

For a detailed description of the menu resource format, see Menu Resource Reference.

Prior to version 3.0, the Menu Editor plug-in actually included an editor, a small Java applet that ran inside Web Studio. This very old editor has now been withdrawn due to Java/browser compatibility problems and has not been replaced. The menu resource format is in fact very simple, and menu resources can easily be edited directly in a text editor rather than through the applet.