Working with Menu Items

To add a menu item to a menu:

  1. Open one of the left hand panes.

  2. Find the section or content item you want to add to the menu.

  3. Drag it over the menu.

  4. Drop it in the required location.

To move a menu item, just drag it to a new location. You can create tree structures by dropping menu items on top of one another: dropping one item on top of another creates a parent-child relationship between them. You can create trees of any depth in this way.

To edit a menu item, select it and then edit the attributes displayed in the metadata panel on the right. The attributes you can edit are:


The language of the label.


The label of the menu item. By default this is the title of the section / content item the menu item represents.

Number of sub levels

For sections only, the number of sub levels to include. If this attribute is set to a value greater than zero, then a submenu is automatically generated from the the section's subtree, to the specified depth. This automatically generated tree is not visible in the editor and cannot be edited, but is made available to the presentation layer.

Image URL

The URL of an image that can be used to represent the menu item.

A menu item can have multiple Language and Label attributes: to create additional labels, select the + button on the right. The Language attribute of the first Language/Label pair is always blank and cannot be edited: this is the default label.

To delete a menu item, right click/long press it and select Delete from the displayed context menu.