Accessing Menu Items Directly

When iterating through menus, either using the menu:iterate tag, or view:iterate tag, the items exposed by the iteration are all objects. You can use inline Java code to directly access these objects.

You could, for example, use code like this to display images for items that have them:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="LOGIC"%>
<MENU:use id="menu" treeName="main">
  <VIEW:iterate id="menuItem">
    <LOGIC:present name="menuItem" property="imageURL">
      <img src="<%=menuItem.getImageURL()%>">
    <LOGIC:notPresent name="menuItem" property="imageURL">

It is also possible to use the MenuItem obejcts to access the Escenic objects they reference. This code, for example renders some of the content of a section:

<LOGIC:present name="menuItem" property="sectionId">
  <BEAN:define id="menusection" name="menuItem" property="section"/>
  <SECTION:use name="menusection">
    <TEMPLATE:insert typeName="group" groupName="menu" />

logic:present is used to check whether the current menu item references a section. If it does, then the section is retrieved and displayed as part of the menu.