Working with Links and Spacers

To add a link or spacer to a menu:

  1. If necessary, open the metadata panel on the right.

  2. Pick the Link or Spacer you want to add to the menu.

  3. Drag it over the menu.

  4. Drop it in the required location.

To edit a link or spacer, select it and then edit the attributes displayed in the metadata panel on the right. The attributes you can edit for a link are:


The language of the label.


The label of the link.


The URL of the link, for example


The target of the link, for example _self or _blank or _parent or _top.

Image URL

The URL of an image that can be used to represent the link item.

A spacer only has Language, Label and Image URL attributes.

Both links and spacers can have multiple Language and Label attributes: to create additional labels, select the + button on the right. The Language attribute of the first Language/Label pair is always blank and cannot be edited: this is the default label.

To delete a link or spacer, right click/long press it and select Delete from the displayed context menu.