Example Menu Resource

The menu resource is called menu and must be located in a publication META-INF/escenic/publication-resources/escenic/plugins folder. A publication has only one menu resource, but it may define any number of menus.

This example defines a menu called main. The menu contents are, in order:

  • A link to the section "ece_frontpage", and nested links to subsections three levels deep.

  • A link to the section with the id "19".

  • An external link to the CCI Europe home page, with the specified text and image.

  • A spacer.

  • A link to the content item with the id "11515".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <menu name="main">
   <section uniqueName="ece_frontpage" includeLevel="3">
   <section id="19">
   <link value="http://www.escenic.com">
     <text lang="en">A link to escenic
     <image src="http://www.escenic.com/images/escenic.gif">
   <article articleId="11515">

The menu resource only defines a menu structure, it does not guarantee display of a menu. How the structure is used in the publication is determined by the publication templates.