Configuring Google OAuth Authentication

If you want users to be able to log-in using their Google IDs, then you will need to do some additional set-up. The OAuth authentication feature is a general Content Engine feature, not specific to Mobile Studio (it is supported for Content Studio and Web Studio too). For general instructions on how to set it up, see Google OAuth Authentication.

In order to be able to use Google authentication for Mobile Studio as well as the other Escenic clients, all you need to do is to:

Create an additional client ID in the Google Developer's Console

It must be of the type Web application, and its Authorized redirect URI must be http://your-server/mobile-studio/oauth2/token.

Add mobile entries to

You need to add the following additional properties to /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/auth/oauth2/,approval_prompt=force

where mobile-client-id and mobile-client-secret are the values provided by Google in the previous step.

Assemble and deploy

Reassemble and deploy as described in steps 6-8 of Mobile Studio Installation.