The Notifications Panel


The Notifications panel is used to notify authors when notes are added to their content items. Every time a note is added to a content item, notifications are sent to all its authors, and appear in their Content Studio Notifications panel. That means:

  • Every time you add a note to a content item written by someone else, that person (or those persons) will be notified.

  • Every time someone else adds a note to one of your content items, you will be notified.

If you are logged in to Content Studio when notes are added then you will receive more or less immediate notification. If you are not logged in, then you will see the notifications the next time you log in and look in your Notifications panel. Notifications remain in your Notifications panel until you cancel them.

To open the Notifications panel, click on the graphics/notifications-icon.png button on the left hand side of the Content Studio window.

To cancel a notification, simply click on it. This opens the content item the notification is associated with. Once the associated content item is opened, the notification disappears. You can, however, now see the message it contained in the content item's Notes pane, along with all preceding notes.

To cancel all the notifications in the Notifications pane without opening any content items, click on the graphics/notifications-cancel.png button at the top of the pane.

If there are notifications in the Notifications panel then the graphics/notifications-icon.png button lights up like this:


This is the only alert provided. There is no audible signal, nor is the Notifications panel opened automatically.

Note that if the content item with which a notification is associated is already open when you open the Notifications panel or receive the notification, then the notification will be automatically canceled, and disappear without you clicking on it, even if the content item is not currently visible (hidden behind other editors).