
After installing Section Feed (see Installation) you need to configure it to meet your requirements. This involves copying a single configuration file from the Section Feed installation into the host configuration layer for at least one of your Content Engine hosts and then modifying the copied file to meet your requirements. In detail, you must:

  1. Log in to your Content Engine host as the escenic user.

  2. Copy the supplied common configuration layer files as follows:

    $ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/section-feed/misc/siteconfig/com/escenic \
    > /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name/com
  3. Open /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name/com/escenic/section-feed/ for editing and set the following properties:


    Set this to true on one (and only one) of your hosts. If you have installed Section Feed on multiple hosts then it must be set to false on all other hosts. If Section Feed is enabled on multiple hosts at the same time, then your feed instructions will be executed multiple times.


    Set this property to false if you want Section Feed to ignore hidden content items.