Configure Content Studio

In order for Content Studio to be able to use the cXense plug-in you must add the following settings to com/escenic/webstart/ in your common configuration layer:

You need to add one of setting like this for each cXense tag category that you want to use in your publications, where name is the name of the cXense category you want to use. The value you assign to the setting must be the scheme of the Content Engine tag structure you want to be mapped to the specified cXense category. For example:,2011

A minimum relevance below which tag suggestions will be rejected. Only tags which are assigned at least this relevance by cXense will be accepted as suggestions by the cXense Semantic plug-in. The specified value must be a number between 0 (no relevance) and 1 (maximum relevance). For example:

The maximum time (in seconds) that the cXense Semantic plug-in will wait for suggestions from cXense. If cXense does not respond before the timeout expires then the auto-tagging operation is abandoned. For example:

The Content Engine tag structures you map on to cXense categories must exist (that is, they must be defined in the Content Engine). Tag structures are defined using the escenic-admin web application. For details, see Create a Tag Structure.