Marking Taggable Fields

To mark a field as taggable you must add a child field element that belongs to the namespace This is an empty element with one attribute, name. name may contain one of the following values:


The contents of this field will be submitted for tagging in Cxense's "'title" field. Text submitted in this field is treated as part of the title of the submitted item. Tags that appear this field are therefore likely to have higher relevance. Normally you should only use title for your title field.


The contents of this field will be submitted for tagging in Cxense's "'body" field. Text submitted in this field is treated as ordinary content. Normally you should use body for all fields (except your title field) that you want to be tagged.

For example:

<field mime-type="application/xhtml+xml" type="basic" name="body">
  <ui:description>The body text of the article.</ui:description>
  <field xmlns="" name="body"/>