Saplo Semantic Ontology Changelog Daemon Installation

This will install the ontology agent to Saplo. It is based on the changelog daemon framework that needs to be installed first.

Installing the Saplo Semantic ontology changelog daemon agent involves the following steps:

  1. Unpack the changelog daemon distribution in an appropriate location

  2. Start the daemon at least once with the following command

    $ java -jar changelog.jar

    This will create a few directories that you will need, and create some files you need to edit

  3. You will now need to edit the .daemon-conf/ file

    There are properties you will need to change in this file:


    This is the URI to the changelog for your installation. For example:


    Where editorial-host-ip-address is the host name of IP address of your editorial-host, and publicationId is the publication id of the publication you will provide feedback to Saplo from.


    The username of the user that will be used to log into the webservice to get access to the changelog


    The password for the above user

    You will now have a configured changelog daemon ready to get an agent to run in it.

  4. You will now need to copy the content of /opt/escenic/engine/plugin/semantic-saplo/misc/changlog/lib into into the empty daemon-install-dir/lib direcotry.

  5. Issue the following command that will create directories

    $ mkdir -p classes classes/com/escenic/daemon/
  6. In order to use Saplo you must set up an account. The log-in credentials for this account must then be added to a configuration file so that the Saplo Semantic changelog daemon can use the account. To set up the required log-in configuration:

    1. Visit and set up an account.

    2. Create a configuration file by copying /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/semantic-saplo/misc/example/ to your newly created directory:

      $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/semantic-saplo/misc/example/ \
    3. Open your configuration file for editing.

    4. Uncomment the property assignments in the file and enter the API key, secret key and ontology id supplied by Saplo:

    5. Create a configuration file by copying /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/semantic-saplo/misc/example/ to your newly created directory:

      $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/plugins/semantic-saplo/misc/example/ \
    6. Open your configuration file for editing.

    7. Uncomment the property assignment in the file and enter the interval in seconds to load ontology in Saplo.

    8. Now stuff should just work. Start the daemon with

      $ java -jar changelog.jar

      and watch it run. It might be a good idea to add it to the start-up script of your server.

This is a note about please read more about all this in the changelog daemon documentation..