DC Semantic Engine Services

The DC service returns two different types of tag suggestions. Both types of tag suggestion are defined by DC. You cannot change any of the tag suggestions made by DC.


Entities are tags referencing named entities in the real world, such as persons, places, organisations and so on. DC entities are grouped into the following categories:

entityMapping: - from: city to: LOC defaultRelevance: 0.6 - from: country to: LOC defaultRelevance: 0.4 - from: person to: PER defaultRelevance: 0.6 - from: organisation to: ORG defaultRelevance: 0.6 - from: category to: CON

  • person (Nelson Mandela, Donald Trump, etc.) These entities are mapped to PER.

  • city (New York, Paris, etc.) These entities are mapped to LOC.

  • country (Russia, Uganda, etc.) These entities are mapped to LOC.

  • organisation (companies, charities, political parties, etc.) These entities are mapped to ORG.


Categories are more abstract tags, referencing ideas or topics such as politics, medicine, football, crime and so on. Categories are mapped to the identifier CON (the same identifier as is used for Atilika concepts).