Editing SitemapConfig.properties

Two properties are set in this configuration file. If you need to modify the default settings, then you can do so as follows:

  1. Copy SitemapConfig.properties to one of your configuration layers. To copy it to your common configuration layer, for example:

    $ cp /opt/escenic/plugins/seo/misc/siteconfig/com/escenic/seo/SitemapConfig.properties \
  2. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/seo/SitemapConfig.properties for editing.

  3. Make the changes you require and save the file.

The properties you can modify are:


The maximum number of entries allowed in a sitemap. When this limit is reached, the Sitemap plugin splits the sitemap into multiple documents and adds references to all of them to the sitemap index document.


The maximum age of entries in update sitemaps, specified in hours. Content items that were published more than the specified number of hours ago will not be included in the sitemap.


The url which will be used as the prefix of the sitemap url. For example if you set this as http://example.com/ sitemap url for archive-sitemap will be - http://example.com/sitemap/archive.xml If this property is not set the publication url will be used by default.