Editing the content-type Resource

To create sitemaps for an Escenic publication, all you need to do is add seo:enabled elements to the content type definitions in the publication's content-type resource. You must add an seo:enabled element to each content type for which you want a sitemap document to be generated.

For general information about the content-type resource and content type editing, see the Escenic?Content Engine Resource Reference.

An seo:enabled element must be added as a child of a content-type element, and must belong to the namespace http://xmlns.escenic.com/2013/seo:

<content-types ...
  <content-type name="news">

If the seo:enabled element is specified without a type attribute as above, then the generated sitemap document will contain no extension elements.

If you include a type="news" attribute in a content type's seo:enabled element:

<content-types ...
  <content-type name="news">
    <seo:enabled type="news"/>

then Google News extension elements will be included in the generated sitemap document.

If you include a type="video" attribute in a content type's seo:enabled element:

<content-types ...
  <content-type name="video">
    <seo:enabled type="video" video-description="body"/>
    <field mime-type="application/xhtml+xml" type="basic" name="body">

then Google Video extension elements will be included in the generated sitemap document. Note that in this case the element also has a video-description element that references one of the content-item's field elements. You should reference the field that contains the best description of the video content.

It is not possible to generate a sitemap that contains both Google News and Google video extension elements.

Include images in Google News/Video sitemaps

Both the Google News and Google Video extensions allow you to include information about images. The method is the same in both cases as shown in the following example:

<content-types ...
  <content-type name="news">
    <seo:enabled type="news" image-relation-type="photos"/>
    <ref-relation-type-group name="photo-relation"/>
  <content-type name="video">
    <seo:enabled type="video" image-relation-type="photos"/>
    <ref-relation-type-group name="photo-relation"/>
  <relation-type-group name="photo-relation">
    <relation-type name="photos">
  <content-type name="photo">
     <seo:image representation-field="alternates" representation="SmallSquare" />
     <field name="alternates" type="basic" mime-type="application/json">
      <representations xmlns="http://xmlns.escenic.com/2009/representations" type="image-versions">
        <representation name="SmallSquare">
          <output width="100" height="100"/>

Both of the seo:enabled elements in the above example include an image-relation-type element that references a relation-type element used for image relations. When creating a Google News sitemap entry for a news content item, the plug-in will include image data from the first relation it finds of the referenced type (photos, in this case). This means that the generated sitemaps will only contain information about one related image per content item.??

An image can have many different representations, so image content types also need to include an seo:image element that specifies the representation to be used when including image data in sitemap entries.