Create a New Blueprint

To create a new blueprint:

  1. Click on the graphics/snapshot-tab.png tab in the editor pane to open the Snapshot tab.

  2. Click on Blueprints:

  3. At the bottom of the form click New blueprint:

  4. Select:

    • Which blueprint you want to base the new blueprint on (Clone from blueprint) by clicking on the graphics/edit-button.png icon and selecting the required source blueprint.

    • Which branch of the selected source blueprint you want to base the new blueprint on (using branch). You select this the same way.

  5. If you want to create the new blueprint in its own branch, then check Create new branch. The branch will be given the same name as the new blueprint. If you don't check this option then the new blueprint will be added to the current branch.

  6. If you want your new blueprint (and possibly branch) to be pushed to the remote repo where they will be available to everybody, then check Remote. Otherwise, the changes will only be made in your local repo.

  7. Enter a name for the blueprint in New blueprint.

  8. Click Create blueprint.