The Blueprints Form


This form displays a list of all the blueprints for which you have administrator rights. For each blueprint, the form displays:


The branch with which the blueprint is currently synced. To sync with a different branch (that is, to load a different branch from git into the Content Engine), click on the graphics/edit-button.png button, click again on the branch name, select the name of the branch you want to load and then click on Apply.


Commits changes you have made to the blueprint to the currently selected branch. A form is displayed listing all differences between your copy of the blueprint, and the copy stored in the local git branch. You can then select the specific changes you want to commit to your local repo.


Synchronizes the blueprint with the currently selected branch. What this means is that:

  • Any uncommitted changes you have made are reverted

  • The content of the selected remote branch is copied to the local repo

  • The synced blueprint is imported into the Content Engine

You should always close all open editors before syncing a blueprint. If you do not do so then the synced blueprint may fail to be imported into the Content Engine and there will be a mismatch between what you see in Content Studio and what is stored in the local repo.


This option can be used for two purposes:

  • To merge the blueprint in the currently selected branch into another selected branch

  • To push the blueprint in your local repo to the same branch in the remote repo

A small form is displayed that you can use to select exactly which branches you want to merge and also whether you want to delete the source blueprint after the merge.

Occasionally, git may be unable to merge the selected branches automatically, due to conflicting changes in the two branches. If this happens, you will need to manually merge the branches using git, and resolve the conflicts. Exactly how you do this is outside the scope of this manual.

New Branch

Creates a new branch of the blueprint, based on a selected source branch. You can choose to either just create the branch in your local repo, or to push it to the remote repo as well.


Deletes a blueprint. You are asked to confirm it before the blueprint is actually deleted.

There is also a New blueprint option displayed at the bottom of the form. This creates a new blueprint by cloning an existing one. You can choose the source blueprint and branch to clone, and specify the name of the new blueprint. You can also choose to create the blueprint in its own branch (which will then have the same name as the blueprint), and whether or not to push the new branch to the remote repo.