Syndication-Based Automation

You can also implement an automated video publishing process using the Content Engine's syndication format. This is a proprietary Escenic XML file format that can be used for import/export purposes. It is described in detail in the Escenic Content Engine Syndication Reference.

To define and create a content item in this way you simply create a syndication file containing all the required information and upload it to a specified import folder on the Content Engine server. The Content Engine will then automatically import the file and create a corresponding content item, triggering the transcoding and keyframe generation process.

For a general description of how to use the Content Engine's import service, see

The following example shows a syndication file that could be used to import a video content item, based on the content type example given in Defining an External Video Content Type:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <escenic xmlns="" version="2.0"> <content source="my-video-library" sourceid="1" type="news" state="published"> <section-ref unique-name="videos" home-section="true"/> <field name="title">My First Imported Video</field>  <field name="video"> { "master" : { "uri" : "http://my-video-server/video1.mpeg", "mime-type" : "video/mpeg"}} </field> </content> </escenic>

The video field (highlighted above) must contain the URI and the MIME type of the video, specified in JSON format, since video fields are defined with a MIME type of application/json (see Defining an External Video Content Type).

Although it is technically possible to import internal videos via syndication files, this is not described here. Local upload of videos to the Content Engine is primarily intended for small scale, casual use and not considered suitable for automated workflows (see Local Upload Workflow).