Configuring a Video Content Type to Use Watermarks

In order to configure a video content type to make use of watermarks, you must:

  • Make sure that it contains a reference to the watermarks relation you have created

  • Add a watermarks element to the content type. This element ensures that the Video plug-in stores the watermarks correctly.

The watermarks element must belong to the namespace It has two attributes:

content-type (required)

This attribute specifies the name of the watermark image content type you have defined.

disable-field (optional)

This attribute specifies the name of a boolean field in this content type that can be used to disable watermarking for the current article. You must then also add such a field to the content type. If you add such a field, then any video content item in which it is set to true will not be watermarked, even if it belongs to a section in which watermarking is enabled.

The following example shows a fully configured video content type that includes a "Disable Watermarking" field:

<content-type name="internal-video">
  <media xmlns="" 
         type="video" enabled="true" dropable="true"/>
  <parameter name="com.escenic.article.staging" value="false"/>
  <ui:label>Internal video</ui:label>
  <ui:decorator name="videoArticleDecorator"/>
  <panel name="main">
    <field name="title" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>
    <field name="binary" type="link">
    <field name="video" type="basic" mime-type="application/json">
      <video xmlns="" enabled="true"/>
      <watermarks xmlns="" 
                  content-type="watermark" disable-field="disable-watermark" />
    <field name="disable-watermark" type="boolean">
      <ui:label>Disable Watermarking</ui:label>