Application Configuration Layer Set-up

This set-up task consists of copying example configuration files from the plug-in installation into your publications' application configuration layers and then modifying the copied files to meet your requirements. In detail, you must:

  1. Log in to your Content Engine host as the escenic user.

  2. For each publication, create an application configuration layer (if it does not already exists) as follows:

    $ mkdir -p /etc/escenic/engine/webapp/pub-name/com/escenic

    where pub-name is the name of the publication.

  3. Copy all the supplied application configuration layer files as follows:

    $g cp -r engine-installation/plugins/video-4.3.0-2/misc/siteconfig/webapp/com/escenic/video \
    > /etc/escenic/engine/webapp/pub-name/com/escenic
  4. Edit the copied files as described in the following sections.