
This manual contains reference information about the core widgets supplied with the Escenic Widget Framework. It contains only reference information about individual widgets, and assumes you have a general understanding of the Widget Framework and how it works. Specifically, you should at least have read the Widget Framework User Guide. If you are going to use CSS to control the appearance of the widgets in your publication, then you also need to have a good understanding of both CSS and HTML.

The manual is primarily intended to be used by publication designers using Content Studio to create Widget Framework-based publication layouts. Each widget description consists of:

  • A screenshot showing a typical example of the widget's appearance on a page. Note, however, that some widgets that have widely differing views or layouts, so the screenshot may provide only a very general indication of the widget's possibilities.

  • General information about the widget: it's purpose, appearance and how it works.

  • Descriptions of the widget's fields, grouped by the tabs on which they are displayed in Content Studio. Note that all widgets have an Advanced tab and a Caching tab that are not described in this manual. The reason for this is that the contents of these tabs are identical for all widgets and they are described in the Widget Framework User Guide.

  • A CSS example that shows the CSS classes used in the HTML output generated by the widget. You can use this example as a start point for creating you own CSS for controlling the appearance of the widget in your publication.

  • An HTML example that shows the structure of the HTML output generated by the widget. You will often need this information to determine how to modify the appearance of a widget using CSS.