Filter & sort

The Filter & sort tab lets you define filtering and sorting options that will be applied to the results of any query groups for which Apply filter & sort is checked. The options mostly duplicate options that are available in the individual query definition forms on the Queries tab, but they operate on the combined results of all the queries in a group rather than the individual queries' result sets. Any options you set here override corresponding options on the Queries tabs.

The Filter & sort tab contains the following fields:

Sort by

The following sort options are applied in order, with Day published and 24 hour window having the highest priority. These two options are mutually exclusive (that is, selecting one deselects the other). If you check both Day published and Priority then results are sorted first by publishing day, then by priority within each day and then by whatever criterion you select in the Choose field.

Day published

Check this option if you want your results sorted first by the calendar day on which items were published (most recent first)

Calendar days start at midnight. If the current time is 10:00 AM, then all items published between now and midnight last night will appear first, followed by all items published between midnight last night and midnight the night before, and so on.

24 hour window

Check this option if you want your results sorted first by the "rolling" day on which items were published (most recent first)

"Rolling" days are 24-hour periods starting from the current time. If the current time is 10:00 AM, then all items published between now and 10:00 AM yesterday will appear first, followed by all items published between 10:00 AM yesterday and 10:00 AM the day before, and so on.


Check this option if you want your results to be sorted by priority (highest first). If you checked Day published or 24 hour window too, then they are sorted by priority within each day.


Choose the sort criterion you require. If you checked Priority, then the selected sort is applied to each priority group individually. If you checked Day published or 24 hour window but not Priority, then the selected sort is applied to each day group individually. If you did not check either option, then the selected sort is applied to the whole result set.

Select items published

Select the time period from which you want items to be selected. You can specify the time period in a number of different ways, both relative ("last 2 days", "last 3 weeks", "between 2 days ago and 5 days ago") and absolute ("between 2014-01-01 and 2014-01-31"). You can also specify that you just want to select items published today, or that you want to select items published at any time.

Exclude page items

If you set this option to Yes then any content items in the result set that are desked on the current section page are filtered out of the final results. The "current section page" is the active section of page of the publication and section named in the request URL.